Aos Aelf Wed, 01 Mar 2017 21:50:55 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 /wp-content/uploads/2014/11/cropped-40k-Space-Marine-150-32x32.jpg Aos Aelf 32 32 AoS Order Aelf Shadowblades Assassin /wargame-tactics-top/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/aos-order-tactics/aos-high-elf-tactics/aos-aelf-shadowblades-assassin/ Tue, 03 Jan 2017 18:46:18 +0000 /?page_id=2583 As the Daemon Prince swooped down on the Aelf Spearmen. Raising his mighty axe the Daemon Prince was surprised by a black cloaked Shadowblades Assassin leaping out and slashing him half a dozen times. “Oooh, they sting like paper cuts! “. But what the Daemon Prince really didn’t see coming was the black poison on the blade that would be his downfall. Assassins are delicate tools that need careful use and handling. The Aelf Shadowblades assassin are an example of this.  Used correctly they can strike down your opponents warlord and win the game, used with a heavy hand and they will be swept aside without a second thought. General Shadowblades Assassin Tactics With your assassin you will need to pick your target before the game starts, as you set up your units. This is because you need to pick which unit you are going to add your assassin to. It also helps if you are setting up your units second. Once you have picked your target you can place your assassin in a unit that will get him there. Remember that you do not have to place the model on the table, just mark down which unit he is...

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AoS Aelf Ellyrian Reavers Tactics /wargame-tactics-top/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/aos-order-tactics/aos-high-elf-tactics/aos-aelf-ellyrian-reavers-tactics/ Mon, 04 Apr 2016 19:16:03 +0000 /?page_id=1463 On this page we will look at the Aelf Ellyrian Ravers and the Elllyian Ravers Tactics. The Ellyrian Ravers are good all round units. They are fast , they have bows for ranged attacks, and they have spears for close assault. The down side is that they are not specialists in any one area. This means that the Ellyian Ravers make better support units rather than core units. Another use for the Ellyrian Ravers is to dash down the flanks to grab objectives or hit a weak rear area. Ellyrian Riders Strength and Weapons The Ellyrian Riders have an array of weapond that allows them to have a more tactical, all round role. The first weapon to get use to is the Reaver Bow. This gives the Ellyrian Riders a chance to take on units from a distance without getting in to combat. This is useful if the target unit is much bigger and one that will likely kill you off in combat. Think monsters, war machines, and big mobs. The reaver cavelry bow has a 16″ range. This means that you may just be in charge range of slower units (5″ move plus 12“ charge), but usually you will...

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AoS Aelf Tactics /wargame-tactics-top/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/aos-order-tactics/aos-high-elf-tactics/ /wargame-tactics-top/warhammer-age-of-sigmar/aos-order-tactics/aos-high-elf-tactics/#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2015 19:37:24 +0000 /?page_id=1360 AoS Aelf Introduction The AoS Aelf are Elves of different heritages.Some are Highborn, some are Woodland folk, and some are more attracted to the darker forces. In Age of Sigmar it is reasonable to play with a mixture of all these Aelf forces in the same army. The Aelf are sleek and fast warrior that prefer bows and pole-arms when it comes to a fight . The Aelf do not have heavy artillery like most armies. The best they have is a Repeater Crossbow. I highly recommend having one or two of these in your army to take down larger foe. Otherwise you will need to rely on your wizards. Another option would be to add artillery from one of the other forces of order like human or AoS Duardun ( Dwarf ) armies. AoS Aelf Units Alarielle the Radiant Alith Anar The Shadow King Caradryan Korhil Teclis Eitharion on Griffon Prince Althran Prince Imrik Dragonlord Tyrion High Elf Prince on Griffon Handmaiden of the Everqueen High Elf Spearmen Lothern Sea Helm Lorthern Sea Guard High Elf Archers Ellrian Reavers Great Eagle High Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower  

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