Warhammer Fantasy
Dwarf Special Units Tactics
Dwarf Hammerers
Dwarf Cannon
Dwarf Cannons by default are standard cannons, and follow the cannon rules found in the main rule book.
Dwarf Cannons can be 'upgraded' with the use of runes. Because of the law of runes means that no two cannons
have the same upgrades, it may be best to create some markers that you can place next to the cannons to remind
yourself what upgrades you have given to which cannons. It will also assure your opponent that you are not
switching upgrades part way through the battle.
Dwarf Bolt Thrower
Dwarf Miners
Dwarf miners have two main strengths, they have two handed weapons, and they have the 'Underground Advance'
special rule. Together these abilities make miners great war machine hunters. Do be warned that your opponents will
get wise to the Miners sneaky attacks quickly and leave some units to guard the war machines.
Dwarf Ironbreakers
Ironbreakers can take Runic Standards. Most of these standards add to the toughness or resilience of the
unit. Considering that the Ironbreakers are a tough unit in the first place, these upgrades will make the
Ironbreakers a formidable unit!
Dwarf Grudge Thowers
Grudge throwers are standard stone throwers. The way to improve the grudge throwers is to add runes
and maybe a master engineers.
Master Engineer
One bonus of adding a master engineer to your grudge thrower is that you get to re-roll the artillery dice. This
means that you are only half as likely to get a hit and missfire. As master engineers are characters they can hop
from war machine to machine to make best use of his skills.
Yoy can have upto thee runes per war machine. Each rune has its own points cost. Some of the engineers runes are
specific to the grudge throwers.
Dwarf Slayers
In the Lord and Hero sections we saw the individual Dwarf Slayers. Here you have a chance to have a whole unit
of thses screaming maniacs!