Warhammer 40k
Supplementary Rules

From time to time Games Workshop release additional rules for Warhammer 40000. You do not need these rules to
play 40k, but if you have been playing a while they add some alternatives to the game to keep it interesting.
- 40k Planetstrike
Planetstrike, take on the challenge of a planetary invasion!
- 40k Cities of Death
An update to the City fight rules, the Cities of death is an expansion for fighting in urban environments.
- 40k Spearhead
The new Warhammer 40k add-on rules for tank battles, Spearhead.
- Space Hulk
Space Hulk is a classic board game based on Warhammer 40k.
Origanally between Genestealers and Terminators, extensions where added to allow other armies to play.
- Necromunda
Necromunda is a Warhammer 40k universe game based on the v2 Warhammer rules. In Necromunda you take control of a gang looking for fame and fortune in the underhive of the spire city of Necromunda.
- Gorkamorka
Gorkamorka is an add-on game that Games Workshop did to complement the v2 40k rules, and centres on Orks dashing around in Trukks causing mayhem!
- Space Marine Epic
Space Marine is one of the variations of Epic Warhamer 40000. In this variation we have Space Marines battling Squats (Space Dwarfs).
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