Eldar Elite Tactics

In this section we will look the Eldar Elite choices and their tactics.
It is said that the Eldar army rely on is elite choices. Expect to max out your elite options in every game.
Striking Scorpions
Stiking Scorpions not not have the 'fleet' special rule.
This makes them slightly slower than the other Eldar troop choices.
Fire Dragons
Fire Dragons are armed with Firepikes. These are S8 AP1 Melta weapons. These are short ranged, but very useful
against Tanks and extra tough opponents.

Space Marines have Terminators, Orks have 'evy armour, the Imperial Guard have Orgyns, and the Eldar have The
Wraithguard. So what we are looking at are slower tougher Eldar, with heavy hitting short ranged weapons.
Because of the Wraithguard's slower spead, and shorter range weapons, they are well suited to be loaded in to
the back of a waveserpant troop transporter.
The Wraithcannon
The Wraithguard are equipped with the Wraithcannon. This is a short ranged warp weapon. If you get close enough
it can instant kill the largest Tyranids (Tyrannofex & etc) in one shot!
Howling Banshees "Never trust a woman with a knife!" - My Dad.
The Howling Banshees are close assault specialists. This means that you want them fighting hand to hand as much
as possible. It also means that if they get caught in the open in front of big guns , they will be
Power Swords
Howling Banshees are armed with power swords. These ignore armour saves so they work best against opponents with
tough normal armour, eg. Space Marines and Sisters of Battle in power armour. Terminators will be forced to do 5+
invulnerable saves instead of their 2+ saves.
Howling Banshees can do well against some monstrous creatures because they don't often get invulnerable saves.
What the Monstrous Creatures to get is extra toughness. So Against a T6 Carnifex they need a 6 to wound, but ignore
the 3+ or 2+ saves. Be aware that they can not wound a T7 or higher creature like a T8 Wraithlord.
Banshee Masks
The Howling Banshees ware the Banshee masks. This allows them to strike firs almost all the time. You will
need this advantage because the Banshees do not cope with counter attacks well. Their T3 and 4+Sv will not even
stand up to a squad of Imperial Guard let alone tougher opponents like Space Marines or Orks!
Fleet of Foot
Howling Banshees get the 'Fleet of Foot' special rule. This will allow to run and assault in the same turn. You
will need to decide if you want to run or fire your Shrunken pistols when entering an assault. Running will allow
more Banshees to get in to assault, where as the Shrunken pistols may whittle down your opponents, leaving less to
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