In this section we will have a look at the trick tips and tactics for the Warhammer Fantasy Orc and Goblin armies. These tactics are based on the 2011 army rule book.
The 2011 Orc and Goblin Army Book has been updated for the Warhammer 8th Edition Fantasy rule book. If you want to play Orcs or Goblins armies you will need a copy of this army book as well as the main rule book.
These pages are written with the expectation that you have the Orc and Goblin Army book and the main Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition rule book to hand.
Why Play Warhammer Orcs and Goblins?
The Orcs and Goblin army is a fun army to play, but more that this is that you actually three armies for the price of one. These are an Orc only army, a Goblin only army, and an army that comprises of a mix of the two. And all three of these armies have a different style of play.
Playing a Warhammer Orc only Army
Orcs are big and brutal. This means that fielding an army purely of Orcs means that you will end up with a few squads of quite heavy hitters. Be aware that the are not invulnerable. Slamming a unit of Goblins in to a similar sized unit of Chaos Warriors will end up with a mess, for you. However they will do a lot of damage to most rank and file units.
Adding units of Big’uns and Black Orcs do make an army with punch.
Playing a Warhammer Goblin only Army
Goblins are weedy. On their own they will not put up much of a fight with anyone. However they are cheap. Goblins make a great horde army whose numbers will absorbed any the damage bigger foe can cause, and then win the combat with overpowering numbers.
Goblins also come with a number of unique, and fun to use units. These include Doom Divers that a great at taking out Giants, Squig hoppers that are fast and can take down units of Ogres if they can flank them, Wolf riders and spider riders that can harass the enemies rear units. Mind you, adding one or two of your own Giants wont hurt either.
Playing a Warhammer Army with both Orcs and Goblins
Having a mix of both Orcs and Goblins is defiantly the most flexible option. As flexibility is one of the cornerstones of tactics, then this is usually the option to go with. The usual tactics is to use the Goblins to slow down the enemy and then move the Orcs in to the flanks, But slamming the Orcs in to units and flanking with goblins works quite nicely too.
Orc and Goblin Special Rules
Orcs and Goblins have a handful of special rules. It will be well worth reading them and getting to know them.
For those who know the 2006 Army book, you will see that the Waaagh special rule has moved to the individual Lord and heroes, rather than being a army wide rule.
This is the main Orc and Goblin special rule, and the rule that make the Orcs and Goblins quite random in their actions.
For those that knew the 2006 Army book may breath a sigh of relief that the Orc and Goblins are only subject to random events 1 in 6 times, half as often as they use to.
The Orcs (but not the Goblins) get hand weapons called Choppa’s. These give the Orcs an added advantage on the first on the first round of combat.
As the advantage is only on the first round, if you can orchestrate it so that you have a convincing win in the first round, you will gain yourself a major advantage.
The Orc and Goblin Army
Orc and Goblin
Magic and Magic items
Orcs and Goblins do not get the usual spells to choose from. Instead the Orcs get one unique spell book (the Big Waaagh spell) and the Goblins get a different spell book (the Little Waaagh spells).
As usual, Orcs and Goblin characters can have common magic items and they have a selection of their own Orc magic items too.
Shiny Stuff
The Orc and Goblin specific magic items are shiny Stuff. There are only 8 items in the shiny stuff list. this is a much shorter list than the 2006 Orc and Goblin Army Book shiny stuff list. this is because the Warhammer v8 addition rule book has a much larger common items list to make up.