Because Better Tactics Win More Games!
So, do you want to win more of the tabletop wargames you play? Well I have packed these pages with as many tip and tricks that will help get an advantage on the gaming table!
What Secret Tactics Will You Find?
Over the years last 30+ years that have been playing wargames and studying wargame tactics I have accumulated a wealth of tactics. You will find these tactics in these pages.
Be prepared to dig around the site to find these gems. But when you have these gems be prepared to spring your new master strategies on your helpless opponents (manic laughing in the background)!
Table Top Wargames vs. Board Games
Table Top Wargames are different to board games because you have much more flexibility in the movements and strategy compared to board games. The other main difference is that table top wargames have pieces of scenery to play around. These scenery pieces could be make-shift, like a pile of books representing hills and buildings, up to very realistic set-ups much like you may see on a model train setup.
Still, board games' popularity is constantly increasing, as these games come in a great variety and excellent features. RPG board games are among the most sought-after types, as some of them are inspired/produced by the original creators of popular RPG video games and vice versa (some RPG video games were inspired by board games). To make an easy comparison, it would be best to read reviews on the most popular rpg board games and collect all the valuable info regarding game plot, special features, and which producing houses stand behind them.
Tactics Vs. Strategy
There is a difference between tactics and strategy, and not many people know what it is.
Tactics deal with the abilities of different types of each troop and vehicle. When to use each type and the best configurations for particular situation.
Strategy deal with how to win games as a whole. How to use all your army together, for example the art of sacrificing a squad to win a battle.
This site covers both these aspects. The Army Lists will lead you each army squad by squad discussing the pros and cons of each. The General Strategy section leads you through the most common strategies pointing the way for you to create your own cunning plots and manoeuvres.
Trade Marks
Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar are trade marks of Games Workshop. We respect all their trade marks, copyrights and hard work creating the games we enjoy.
- Also see: Wargame Tactics News
- Also see: Warhammer 40000 7th Edition
- Also see: Warhammer 40000 8th Edition
- Also see: Warhammer Age of Sigmar
- Also see: Other Wargame Tactics
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Chaos Space Marine Tactics

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AoS Skirmish Tactics

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Free Age of Sigmar Army builder online

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Read More on AoS Order Aelf Highborn Prince and Noble Tactics »
AoS Destruction Ogor Gutbusters

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WH40k Update Official News Released

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WH40k (7th Ed) Imperial Agents Tactics

Over the years Games Workshop have created a number of auxiliary Imperial Forces that are not quite big enough to warrant their own Codex, but are too fun to play to drop completely. These include The Sisters of Battle, Assassins, The Legion of the Dammed, and Inquisition, amongst others. Recently Games Workshop have done the right thing by bringing all these factions in to one Codex, Codex: Imperial Agents. If you have been collecting Warhammer models for a while, or you have one of the boxed games that have these units in, you will want this updated Codex with the latest rules and updates. Imperial Agents General Tactics The Imperial Agents are not designed as a stand alone army. This does not mean that you cannot use them on their own. It’s just how they are designed, so let’s have a look at this first. Imperial Agent Factions Cult Mechanicus: Mechanics with optional labotomised heavy weapons. Aeronautical Imperialis: Fire power on the wing and good for fast troop transportation too. Adeptus Astra Telepathica: Imperial Psykers that come singularly or as brotherhood of psychers. Adepta Sororitas: Guard in Power Armour, or low point Marines? Make of them what you will. They…